TRY no.1 and TRY no.2 are performative installations which examine the (im)balance and our often careless use of natural resources. Floating constructions made of a human and materials show how fragile the basis of our existence actually is.
Artistic direction, creation & performance LOTTE MUELLER | Dramaturgical advice GEORG PELZER | Technical advice DIRK HEYMANN, ELIAS MACKE | Costume NORA BREGULLA | Productionmanagement NICOLE MEIER | Documentation video & teaser GEORG PELZER
A production by Lotte Mueller. Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, the Cultural Foundation of the free state Saxony and the City of Leipzig, Cultural Office. This measure is co-financed by tax revenues on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon State Parliament. In cooperation with ZirkusTheaterFestival, KulturBrücken e.V. Supported by SK Baumaschinen, GrünBaum, Rabryka. Pre-researches supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.
September 28, 2024 | Creative Coworking Fest, Leipzig (GER)
September 21, 2024 | Cyrkus Festival, Görlitz (GER)
August 28, 2024 | Zirkustheater Festival & „The Art of staying Many“, Dresden (GER)